Barack Obama and the mainstream media have been braying for weeks about Donald Trump and his so-called “religious test” banning Muslims from immigrating to the United States. But it turns out Barack Obama already has a “religious test” for refugees . . . no Christians allowed. Those Syrian refugees, who we are supposedly vetting thoroughly, […]
Obama’s Religious Test for Refugees Bars Christians
Obama’s Corrupt and Incompetent Homeland Security Team Exposed

Questions have been raised since Islamic terrorists slaughtered 14 Americans in San Bernardino, CA of how they escaped notice from our so-called border security apparatus. It should come as no surprise that those President Obama placed in charge of national security, the most important responsibility the President has, are a laundry list of cronies, bagmen, […]
Obama and the U.N. Deliberately Ignoring Christian Refugees

President Obama is demanding billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees but the odd thing is almost none of them will come from Syria’s large and far more persecuted Christian communities. 10% of Syria’s population is Christian yet so far a mere 2% of refugees are Christian. This despite the […]
Justice at Last. 2 Illegals Get Life for Slaughtering Border Patrol Agent

Jesus Leonel Sanchez-Meza and Ivan Soto-Barraza were sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole for the shooting death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry nearly five years ago. They were found guilty of the slaying by a federal court back in October. They were also sentenced for the additional crimes they committed […]
Americans Pay Price in Blood for Sanctuary City Policies

Local Officials Advocating Sanctuary Policies Put Illegal Criminals Ahead of Americans San Francisco and other cities across the United States have created so-called “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens. These municipalities are defying federal immigration law, just like some Southern jurisdictions that defied federal civil rights laws in the 1960s. But unlike that earlier era, today’s sanctuary […]
More Obama Immigration BS Debunked

That Barack Obama is full of it is not a surprise. But it is always necessary to call out his latest pile of steaming crap and this week the job falls to Michelle Malkin. President Obama claims that restricting immigration in order to protect national security is “offensive and contrary to American values.” No-limits liberals […]
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