The chief U.N. bureaucrat running refugee camps in Syria said their process for determining who is a refugee and where they go is so complex that ordinary people simply cannot understand it. “The details of resettlement are so detailed and so precise that only a few people in Washington ever care about it,” said Jana […]
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U.N. Bureaucrat: You Are Too Dumb to Understand Why We Won’t Protect Christians
December 22, 2015 By 12 Comments
Filed Under: Internation Relations, Issues, Refugees, Terrorism Tagged With: Chris Smith, Christians, refugees, religious persecution, State Department, Syria, UNHCR, united nations
Obama and the U.N. Deliberately Ignoring Christian Refugees
December 16, 2015 By 2 Comments

President Obama is demanding billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees but the odd thing is almost none of them will come from Syria’s large and far more persecuted Christian communities. 10% of Syria’s population is Christian yet so far a mere 2% of refugees are Christian. This despite the […]
Filed Under: Border, Immigration, Internation Relations, Issues, Refugees, Terrorism Tagged With: Barack Obama, Christians, ISIS, Syria, terrorists, UNHCR, united nations