Dear Patriot,Our President is under attack! Radical Democrats in the House are attempting to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States. And with this week’s vote, they are one step closer to doing so. There has been no other time in recent history where President Trump needs your prayers more than right now. […]
Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project endorses Tim Donnelly for Congress.
Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project endorses Tim Donnelly for Congress. Dear Patriot, You already know that these are dangerous times for our Republic. President Trump is under daily assault, not just by the left, but by the entire political establishment that he has exposed. The more and more OUR President works to drain the swamp, the […]
US Customs Border Protection on their plans at this time to build 509 miles of border fence
——– Original Message ——– Subject: Just Released – CPB Status Paper – Planning 509 Miles of Border Fence With $9.6 Billion Date: Tue, September 24, 2019 8:56 am To: This is a brand new status paper from the US Customs Border Protection on their plans at this time to build 509 miles of […]
King: Lax Immigration Enforcement Put “Three in the Morgue in Des Moines”
——– Original Message ——– Subject: RE:_King:_Lax_Immigration_Enforcement_Put_“Three_in_th e_Morgue_in_Des_Moines” From: “Hanlon, Sandy” <> Date: Fri, July 19, 2019 1:30 pm To: FYI Sandy Hanlon District Representative Congressman Steve King Federal Building 320 6th Street, Room 112 Sioux City, Iowa 51101 Phone: (712) 224-4692 Fax: (712) 224-4693 Email: From: IA04 Media <> Sent: Thursday, July […]
King’s “Census Accuracy Act” Fixes Supreme Court’s Delay of Census Citizenship Question
——– Original Message ——– Subject: FW:_King’s_“Census_Accuracy_Act”_Fixes_Supreme_Cou rt’s_Delay_of_Census_Citizenship_Question From: “Hanlon, Sandy” <> Date: Thu, June 27, 2019 1:18 pm To: Undisclosed recipients:; FYI Sandy Hanlon District Representative Congressman Steve King Federal Building 320 6th Street, Room 112 Sioux City, Iowa 51101 (712) 224-4692 From: IA04 Media Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019 2:57 PM To: Kennedy, […]
King Votes “NO” on Democrats’ Attempt to “Make Amnesty Great Again”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Kennedy June 4, 2019 Office: 202-225-4426 King Votes “NO” on Democrats’ Attempt to “Make Amnesty Great Again” “I voted NO on HR 6 because we can’t help President Trump ‘Make America Great Again’ if we let the Democrats succeed in ‘Making Amnesty Great Again.’” Washington, D.C.- Congressman Steve […]