46 so-called DREAMers, illegal immigrants granted amnesty by President Obama, have already been enlisted into the U.S. Army and Obama Administration officials hope to jack that number up to 5,000 by October. The Defense Department ordered the Army to begin accepting illegal immigrants who qualify for DACA into the program last year, but that effort […]
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U.S. Army Already Enlisting Illegals
May 7, 2015 By Leave a Comment
Filed Under: Amnesty, Immigration, Issues Tagged With: Armed Services Committee, defense authorization, Fast Track, Mo Brooks, Ruben Gallego, Rules Committee, U.S. Army
GOP Rep. Introduces Bill to Give Illegals Citizenship for Military Service
April 24, 2015 By 14 Comments

Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA) has reintroduced legislation to allow illegal immigrants to get citizenship if they complete a terms in the U.S. military. Known as the ENLIST Act, Denham has offered it before as both a stand along bill and as amendments to several defense bills. House leaders prevented a vote on the ENLIST Act […]
Filed Under: Immigration, Issues Tagged With: California, defense authorization, ENLIST Act, Jeff Denham, military