——– Original Message ——– Subject: RE:_King:_Lax_Immigration_Enforcement_Put_“Three_in_th e_Morgue_in_Des_Moines” From: “Hanlon, Sandy” < Sandy.Hanlon@mail.house.gov> Date: Fri, July 19, 2019 1:30 pm To: FYI Sandy Hanlon District Representative Congressman Steve King Federal Building 320 6th Street, Room 112 Sioux City, Iowa 51101 Phone: (712) 224-4692 Fax: (712) 224-4693 Email: Sandy.Hanlon@mail.house.gov From: IA04 Media < IA04.media@mail.house.gov> Sent: Thursday, July […]
King: Lax Immigration Enforcement Put “Three in the Morgue in Des Moines”
King’s “Census Accuracy Act” Fixes Supreme Court’s Delay of Census Citizenship Question
——– Original Message ——– Subject: FW:_King’s_“Census_Accuracy_Act”_Fixes_Supreme_Cou rt’s_Delay_of_Census_Citizenship_Question From: “Hanlon, Sandy” < Sandy.Hanlon@mail.house.gov> Date: Thu, June 27, 2019 1:18 pm To: Undisclosed recipients:; FYI Sandy Hanlon District Representative Congressman Steve King Federal Building 320 6th Street, Room 112 Sioux City, Iowa 51101 (712) 224-4692 From: IA04 Media Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019 2:57 PM To: Kennedy, […]
King Votes “NO” on Democrats’ Attempt to “Make Amnesty Great Again”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Kennedy June 4, 2019 Office: 202-225-4426 King Votes “NO” on Democrats’ Attempt to “Make Amnesty Great Again” “I voted NO on HR 6 because we can’t help President Trump ‘Make America Great Again’ if we let the Democrats succeed in ‘Making Amnesty Great Again.’” Washington, D.C.- Congressman Steve […]
Law Enforcement Should be Prosecuting Many More Criminals, in my opinion.
New York Times by Miriam Jordan — “Trump’s Crackdown on Illegal Immigration: 11 Employers Prosecuted in the Past Year,” by NYT’s Miriam Jordan: “In the 12 months that ended in March, more than 112,000 people were prosecuted for illegal entry or re-entry, while just 11 employers faced criminal charges for hiring undocumented workers, according to […]
Jim Gilchrist Commentary — Dear America, The Larry Hopkins “situation” is the consequence of America’s state and federal governments that have recklessly refused to enforce US immigration laws. Many mayors, governors, and members of Congress want to give voting rights to felons, and illegal aliens, so why not also allow felons to own and carry […]
Legally Armed Minutemen Now Operating In New Mexico, As Well As Arizona And Texas
Per New York Times: IMMIGRATION LATEST … NYT’S SIMON ROMERO in Albuquerque: “A right-wing militia group operating in southern New Mexico has begun stopping groups of migrant families and detaining them at gunpoint before handing them over to Border Patrol agents, raising tension over the tactics of armed vigilantes along the border between the United […]